
Majorelle Gardens

The Majorelle Gardens, also known as Jardin Majorelle, are one of the most iconic and enchanting places in Marrakech, Morocco. They were created by French painter Jacques Majorelle in 1920. During his time in Marrakech, Majorelle created a garden of extraordinary beauty, inspired by Moroccan colors and culture. The garden was later acquired by famous fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent in 1980. One of the most distinctive features of the garden is the deep cobalt blue color that prevails throughout the complex. This blue hue is now known as "Majorelle blue" and has become a symbol of the garden. The garden's architecture features Islamic and art deco influences, with white buildings and wrought iron decorations. The garden houses an extraordinary collection of exotic and rare plants from around the world. Also located within the Majorelle Gardens is the Berber Museum, which houses a valuable collection of Berber art and culture objects. This is an opportunity to learn more about the rich cultural heritage of Morocco's Berber tribes. 
After Yves Saint Laurent's death, part of his remains were buried in the Majorelle Gardens and a monument was erected in his honor.